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Steve Ettinger
1942-2013 |
A message from Alf, Barb, Ron, Tim and Dick to BRV and the Thursday Paddlers:
We were delighted to hear that the New Futures group of which Steve was treasurer for many years, has decided to establish a scholarship in his name,
to which their members are contributing. The goal: to assist a low-income DC-area young person in acquiring short-term post-secondary education for job-skills,
is described in the attached letter. Steve had been dedicated to New Futures since 1999, about the same time he took on the Thursday Paddles.
The five of us "Quadrumvirs" who have taken over running the Thursday Paddles since Steve left us have been discussing with Ronie Ettinger how we might
help make a contribution to this inspired part of Steve's off-the-river interests. Now she and Mike Gould, friend of Steve and founder of New Futures have asked
if we might circulate their letter directed to the paddling community to an appropriate group.
We figured that it made best sense to ask members of the Thursday Paddlers, Steve's "river family," to do what you can to get his scholarship launched. Even if you never paddled with Steve, you have a feeling for who he was from the pages of Capital Canoeing and Kayaking or from hearing our fond remembrances of him while out on the river.- ."
We hope you will be interested and inspired to help, and ask you to read a letter to paddlers about the scholarship program from New Futures [PDF] and do what you can to honor our friend for this fine cause. If you know of others who might be interested, please pass if on.
Barb Brown, Alf Cooley, Ron Knipling, Dick Pierce, Tim Tilson