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The Blue Ridge Voyageurs



The BRV Webmaster would like to thank the following for contributions to this web site:


American Whitewater Affiliation We link to their Gauges page and their Whitewater Resources Online page.
Canoe Cruisers Association We link to their Instruction page.
Coastal Canoeists We link to their Links page.
Monocacy Canoe Club We link to their Gauges, Links, Rolling Sessions, and River Rankings pages.

BRV Members

Keith Merkel

For building and maintaining the site. (Mike Martin assumed the Webmasters' duties in 2014.)

Ed Evangelidi For providing the text for his "BRV Web Page" which was used to enhance several BRV informational pages. Unfortunately, his "Middle Atlantic Canoeing Guide" failed to make it onto this version of the BRV web site.
Frank Fico For contributing the BRV Membership Form and the content for the About the BRV page.
Howard Hume For providing the graphics files gracing all BRV web pages and for providing the content for the following pages: Gauge Conversions, River Levels Guide, and Library.
Ron Knipling For providing the BRV River Ranking information.
Steve Marchi The initial set of photos in the BRV Photo Gallery come from Steve's Gooney Creek web site