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The Blue Ridge Voyageurs

Photo Gallery - Rio Sarapiqui, Costa Rica


The following photos are from a November, 2002 trip taken by several BRV's (Court Ogolvie, Kim Buttleman, and Carry Singer) to Costa Rica.

Kim Buttleman trying to lose his rented boat (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Kim Buttleman trying to lose his rented boat (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
California Barb looking comfortable at Treefort Rapids (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
California Barb looking comfortable at Treefort Rapids (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Cary Singer whips into an eddy above a nasty strainer/tree (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Cary Singer whips into an eddy above a nasty strainer/tree (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Cary Singer swings wide to avoid the strainer/tree (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Cary Singer swings wide to avoid the strainer/tree (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)
Roger from Knoxville making his
Roger from Knoxville making his "Mister Bill" face (Photo by Court Ogilvie - 11/02)