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The Blue Ridge Voyageurs

River Gauge Conversions

Cheat  |   Meadow  |  New  |  Yough

Cheat River Conversion (from Richard Hopley)

For the Albright Bridge, these days, the most up-to-the-minute value available online is the Albright Power Station gauge (APS). To get Albright Bridge (AB) I multiply that by 1.6 and add 0.3'. Then I check upstream at Rowlesburg to see if it is going to be rising or falling.

AB ~= ( APS x 1.6 ) + 0.3

Meadow River Conversions (from Richard Hopley)

The taped telephone message from the Huntington Corps of Engineers gives Meadow River levels in feet. All guidebooks, boaters, and lists that I know of give recommendations for runnability in CFS. Here is a correlation table I developed from hundreds of days of following the online guages. For each 1/10th of a foot I have at least two volume readings (I maintained the highest and lowest volume I found for each 1/10th increment) and I give the average here.

'Course, in this day of the USGS online gauges you may not feel the need for this, but I take it with me when I am in central WV without my computer, so I can phone for the level and then look up the volume.

Feet CFS
4.5 448
4.6 496
4.7 547
4.8 604
4.9 661
5.0 720
5.1 778
5.2 838
5.3 916
5.4 988
5.5 1060
5.6 1136
5.7 1219
5.8 1311
5.9 1408
6.0 1509
6.1 1594
6.2 1687
6.3 1814
6.4 1916
6.5 2010


New River Gauges

Fayette Sta Thurmond CFS
-2.0 1.5 1070
-1.0 2.5 1700
0.0 3.2 2440
1.0 4.0 3350
2.0 4.9 4440
3.0 5.6 5820
4.0 6.5 7550
5.0 7.2 9550
6.0 8.1 11400
7.0 9.0 14100
8.0 9.9 17200
9.0 10.6 20200
10.0 11.4 23800


Yough Gauge


Ohiopyle Confluence CFS
1'6" 2.0 700
1'8" 2.2 800
1'10" 2.3 900
2'0" 2.4 1000
2'2" 2.6 1200
2'5" 2.9 1400
2'9" 3.1 1600
3'0" 3.3 1800
3'3" 3.5 2000
3'6" 3.6 2200
3'8" 3.8 2400
3'11" 3.9 2600
4'1" 4.1 2800
4'3" 4.2 3000
4'8" 4.6 3500
5'0" 4.8 4000